Four Ways to Reduce Employee Sick Days

Toshiba Ab

Sick days impact more than just the person taking them. With others left to pick up the slack, productivity and team morale are often damaged in the process. But how do employers put a stop to this cycle? It could be as easy as rewarding good work, flexi-hours and even effective commercial air conditioning.

Just breathe

The quality of the air within a work environment can determine a variety of factors. For starters, poor air circulation can cause uncomfortable temperatures that make it difficult to focus. These temperatures also make it easier for bacteria to be spread around the office. Commercial air conditioning systems are an efficient way to keep staff cool and breathing in clean air. With the help of filters that remove pathogens, there’ll be less chance of illnesses being passed around.

Get a little more flexible

In today’s working world, more and more employers are moving towards flexible schedules. Not only do these work wonders for staff retention, they’re also cutting down on the number of sick days taken in order to fulfil other obligations. This might include things like yearly check-ups with the dentist, a child’s school play or even moving to a new house. Allowing staff to work from home on occasions where it is warranted will dramatically reduce those “sickies”.

A positive place to be

The likelihood of employees needing to take a day off unnecessarily is higher if your office is an unpleasant place to be. This includes putting the relevant support structures in place, so staff can voice their grievances. In doing so, effective solutions can be reached without them feeling the need to pull away. Something as simple as a cool break room or decent coffee machine can go a long way to boosting employee morale.

Reward good work

Feelings of appreciation often drive good attendance and quality work. Whether it’s a financial reward, extra leave or even a staff lunch, showing staff that you appreciate them is vital. An employee that feels valued is more likely to make a positive contribution to your business. Those who don’t won’t feel the need to put in as much effort.

How can we help?

Whilst we can’t help you with staff incentives, we can make your office a more comfortable place to work. For more on our commercial range, please view our Light Commercial Air Conditioners range. please click here.